Stars are Scattered

I think Hassan has autism. Autism is a mental disorder. Some signs of autism are delayed milestones, A socially awkward child, or The child has trouble with verbal and nonverbal communication. Hassan definitely suffers from the last one he only says “Hooyo”

White Bird final

⭐️⭐️⭐️ I like the book but I didn’t feel like there was a climax😐 Julien My favourite character was Julien because I only saw him get mad once and for the right reasons. Also, when Sara called him Tourteau he didn’t get mad, he just…

White Bird end

I don’t think Julien died. No one ever found his body so he could still be alive. And I don’t think the Nazis were smart enough to cover up there tracks the would’ve just left the body in the snow. Also, when he was about…

White Bird part 2

I think Sara and Julien like each other. According to the text, Sara said that the barn was her world and Julien was the center of it. Also, they sometimes have awkward moments and blush around each other. As we know from Pay it Forward…

White Bird part 1

I think Sara’s mother is still alive. When we saw her mother get taken away it was in Sara’s dream so there’s no real way to say that the mother is dead. According to the text Sara’s mom was smart so she could’ve found a…

Summary of The Giver

The Giver by Lois Lowry tells a story about a boy named Jonas who gets a special job, but during this job he unravels a dark secret about his community. When he gets assigned this job he is nervous. But he discovers things such as…

Ruby in the Sky

⭐⭐ I didn’t really like the book. It didn’t have a lot of exciting moments. It was boring for me. 😐 Bob Van Doodle He was a good boy. I felt really bad when he got caught in the trap. Bob getting caught in trap…

The Giver

I think a pro of everyone being the same is that there would be no prejudice against anybody but a con of sameness is that they wouldn’t be able to experience beauty like we do so no ocean, rainbow, or anything with color.

Ruby in the Sky 3-7

I think Ruby’s mom could have easily proved that she was the one who got pushed. She has bruises to prove she got pushed and Chatty was wearing a collar and if he took that collar off she could prove that he wasn’t hurt. She…

Little Women

We just watched Little Women at Duchesne High School. IT WAS SOOOOO GOOD. It was about a woman named Jo who wants to be a writer but faces the challenges of being a woman. (Being treated unfairly, not being able to go to college, and…